Kamis, 26 April 2012

Noun Clause (pengertian, jenis dan contohnya)

Definition Noun Clause

Noun Clause  is a sentence that describes the subject and predicate in a sentence or phrase that describes as a noun (nomina).
some commonly used words in the noun clause :  how, why, what, where, when, who, that, which, whose, whether, if, however, whenever, whoever etc.

Example of Noun Clause :

1.   Noun Clause as a subject :
       >  What I had like to ask is this.
      >  What He gave me is something I don’t like.
      >  That Nyi Roro Kidul exists is a common belief of the Javanese.

2.   Noun Clause as Transitional Markers :
      > In modern times, however, do we continue to accept such beliefs or do we look at them superstitions?
      > In any case, what I’m trying to say is I personally feel that continuing to accept our traditional practices doesn’t necessarily go against our religious beliefs.

3.  Noun Clause as Yes/No Questions :
     > Are they close friend?  (question)
      .: I don’t know if they are close friend.   (noun clause)
     > Do you prefer lots of friends or just a few close friend?  (question)
      .: Tell me whether you prefer lots of friends.   (noun clause)

4.  Noun Clause as Wh-Questions :
     > Why did you  stop being friends with her?  (question)
     .: Tell me why you stopped being friends with her.  (noun clause)
     > When did they start being close to each other?  (question)
      .: I don’t remember when they started being close to each other.  (noun clause)

5.   Noun Clause as Statement :
      > I believe the story.  (Statement)
      .: I believe that arranged marriages aren’t a bad idea.  (noun clause)
      > I must say it.  (Statement)
      .: I must say that parents shouldn’t interfere in their children’s lives.  (noun clause)

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